Monday, August 8, 2011

Have had a great look around and have added some new links to the right of these posts. Have a look.

Week 2

Week 1 sped by and we all worked hard on our term goals. Our main task is to now work on achieving these before the end of term. This week we have begun our Culture study and we have tried to answer the question "What is culture?" This is a biggy. We are now discovering what culture our ancestors are from.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Yep don't all pass out Room 13 is posting something Day 1 of Term 3. We have started the terms writing with our goals. Everyone is writing a Reading, Writing, Maths and other goal. These are based on our reports and the following interviews. We welcome Bailey and Pou to our class and farewell Byron - after having him in my class for 18 months I will miss him. Our units for the term are Multiplication/Division, Countries of the World Cup, Inferences and main ideas in reading and speeches and Reports in Writing.